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发布时间:2021-01-20 03:02:02

① AnBEMR反应器,有知道的吗,求翻译

AnBEMR reactor, do you know

② 反应器整体基础交货,怎么翻译

reactor whole basis delivery

③ 英语翻译

From propylene , ammonia and air montecatini Edison’s highly active, low bulk density fluid catalyst gives acrylonitrile at lowest cost
Montecatini Edison 的高活性、低体积密度流体催化剂,以最低的成本从丙烯、氨水和空气获得了丙烯腈。
Giorgio Caporali , Montecatini Edison S.p.A,Milan ,Italy
Giorgio Caporali , Montecatini Edison S.p.A,Milan ,意大利
Since about 1960,the leading route to acrylonitrile has been by catalytic reaction of propylene with ammonia and air。大约从1960年起,获得丙烯腈的主要技术路线一直是利用丙烯与氨水和空气的催化反应。 Montedison’s process was first commercialized in 1968 in their 60,000-ton/year plant. This process has been licensed to Paular CO. in Spain for a 40,000-ton/year plant and montedison is planning another plant for themselves with 100,00 ton/year capacity. Montedison的工艺首先是在1968年商业化的,工厂的生产能力为6万吨/年。这一工艺已经特许给西班牙的Paular公司4万吨/年的工厂中生产,Montedison正在为自己计划另一家1万吨/年生产能力的工厂。
Although modern commercial acrylonitrile process appear similar and proce very pure proct ,each is characterized by its own original features:
Catalyst system and rector technique
Nature, condition and sequence of recovery and purification step.
These step and features in the Montecatini Edison process are shown in FIG .1 and other data may be found in the literature.
Montecatini Edison工艺的这些步骤和特点示于图1, 其他数据可以在文献中找到。
RAW materials . There are only three reactants, the oxygen being supplied as air and no stream is repuired as diluent . Technical grade propylene(92-93 percent,the balance being propane ) and anhydrous fertilizer grade ammonia are satisfactory. Higher olefins are undesirable since they make byprocts which burden the purification steps. The there gaseous reactants are premixed and fed to the bottom of the reactors.
Reactors. Large size fluid bed catalytic reactors are used which provide:
A bottom distribution plate for supporting the catalyst and distributing the gas;
A top set of multiple effect cyclones, with dip legs ,recover and return the catalyst to near the bottom of the reaction zone;
Special sets of heat exchangers in the fluid bed for reaction heat removal and steam generation.
Reaction conditions . Typical reaction condition values are: 420-460。C ; 2kg/cm2 absolute pressure ;feed composition ranging from 6.7-8 vol. percent propylene ,0.2-0.6percent propane,7.5-9percent ammonia,82.5-86percent air (which gives a minimum excess ammonia with respect to propylene and about 50percent stoichiometric excess air); liner gas velocity between 1 and 2 feet per second(based on empty reactor with total inlet gases volume at average operating conditions);and contact time in the order of a few second,e.g.,2to 6 second when gas volume is based as stated above, at the average operating conditions and referred to the volume of the packed catalyst.
Catalyst The catalyst consists of oxygenated compounds of tellurium, cerium and molybdenum supported on a microspheroidal silica carrier. It contains about 20-30wt./wt. percent of active elements and has has a bulk density. The catalyst is presently proced by in facilities near the acrylonitrile plant.

④ 成绩单翻译 在线等

生物工艺实验1 Biological Technology Experiments1
《分子生物学》课程论文 course work of Molecular Biology
《生物工艺学》教学实习 practice teaching of Biotechnology
基因工程原理 genetic engineering philosophy
生物工艺学1 Biotechnology1
《微生物遗传学》课程论文 course work of Microbial Genetics
生物工程综合教学实习 integrated practice teaching of biological engineering
生物工艺实验2 Biological Technology Experiments2
生物反应器 bioreactor
生物工艺学2 Biotechnology2
生物工程综合专业实践 integrated & Specialized practice of biological engineering
《生物反应器》课程设计 curriculum project of Bioreactor
生物工程实习模块2 practice teaching of biological engineering mole2

⑤ 化工机械专业英语翻译,哪位大虾能帮我翻译一下下面的东西,要相当准确,感激不尽,谢过~~


⑥ 请帮忙翻译一下下面这个句子谢谢了!


⑦ “reactor complex”是否可以翻译成“核反应堆”

我有不同的意见。reactor 本身就已是核反应器或核反应堆了,所以complex 应该另有所指。
complex reactor 是复合核反回应器。reactor complex 的complex 我认为是建筑答物。比如在印度的 NFC, The Nuclear Fuel Complex ,是专门生产核燃料的工厂。在巴基斯坦有个Chashma Nuclear Power Complex,这是个大核发电厂,里面有两个核发电机组。
因此,我认为 reactor complex 是设有核反应器或核反应堆的工厂或建筑物。

⑧ 生物反应工程文献的翻译

所以,很有可能建立一个影响顺序:mmax _ /
卡波西肉瘤_ /气为寻mmax _ /亲吻,_ /皇填充床生物反应器。
ferrooxidans的主要工艺参数:输入底物浓度对照和基质的转换。正如我们前面提到的,黑色铁氧化率等于:= BCD码
,考虑到转换为:B组分= ACD)
情绪智商。(1)中底,变成:C /转换、密

⑨ 求一篇关于膜生物反应器的外文文献加中文翻译,急需!!

我处禁止上传文件,相关PDF外文文献有,翻译得靠你自己,希望能满足版你的需要,能帮到你权,多多给点悬赏分吧,急用的话请多选赏点分吧,这样更多的知友才会及时帮到你,我找到也是很花时间的,如果需要请直接网络 私信 或者 Hi 中留言贴出你在 网络知道的问题链接地址 及 邮箱地址



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