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發布時間:2022-01-22 14:31:36

A. 水污染人們直接把廢水倒進河流和湖泊里水變臟了用英語怎麼說

People waste water directly into rivers and lakes.

People waste water directly into rivers and lakes.

B. 關於日本決定向海洋排放核廢水的英語作文

1) 油船泄漏;
2) 海洋傾倒工業廢料;
3) 生活污水直接排進海洋;
4) 用生活垃圾填海。

1) 使海洋食品中聚積毒素,人食用後得病;
2) 使海產減少,危及人類的食物源;
3) 使浮游生物死亡,海洋吸收二氧化碳能力減低,加速溫室效應;
4) 使海洋生物死亡或發生畸形,改變整個海洋的生態平衡。

1) 禁止向海洋傾倒工業廢料;
2) 生活污水處理之後再排放入海;
3) 垃圾回收利用, 盡量不把海洋作為生活垃圾填海場。

C. 有關污水排放建議的英語作文帶翻譯

Sewage, the benefit of mankind
With the progress of science and technology, almost every city has many factories, factory every day discharge sewage pollution of many rivers, lakes, cause most of the deaths of fish and shrimp; Also threaten the creatures of the nature and the human safety, caused great impact on human life.
I often fantasize about, if the wastewater has been treated, can become clean, drinking water, that it would be good! So I was thinking about can need a casual becomes big small "sewage treatment instrument", I put it referred to as the "basin". It can be put in the home, school, also can be installed in the factory. The "basin" is a square, the shell is a kind of trample bad pressure not flat plastic; Its heart is a piece of retractile and permanent use of filter, a deodorization function and never deformation and the rotating drum and a chip of the intelligent electric chip. The "basin" electricity is unlimited, as long as there is light, it immediately to convert light energy into electrical energy, environmental protection very much. The "basin" can automatically calculate need amount of sewage discharge, and then according to the size of the emissions to change itself. For example: a paper mill procing one ton of paper a day, as long as you gently press the red button, it will automatically calculate the emissions from the factory, according to position themselves. Gently press the green button again, "basin" start work immediately. The filter on the sewage through the entrance, all the big and small garbage will be filtered out. No garbage sewage directly into the rotating drum, rotating cylinder kept turning to remove odor, purify again. At the same time, it will join the minerals and trace elements of human need, and then discharged through exports. The treated water is very magical, people drink can not only beauty but it can strengthen physical health, sick less often. Animals drink will be more fat, and then drank the ferocious animals will become kind and lovely. The water used to irrigate the movie, the output of rice is higher. The "basin" at home, it will automatically become smaller. Home after "basin" of domestic water can be recycled. In this way, we not only achieved the purpose of saving water, protect the ecological environment of the earth. Thought of here, I like to live in a tree-lined, charactizing a fine spring day, rich natural resources, beautiful scenery... No any pollution in a country.
Thought of here, I woke with a start, I thought: this is not fantasy, this is my dream and ideal. Boys and girls, let's action, and work together to protect the environment, save water, cherish water, sewage, and for the benefit of humanity, for real!

D. 英語翻譯:廢水,廢氣。廢物

翻譯:waste water, waste gas, waste / rubbish

E. 求一遍關於環境污染的英語作文、、、帶翻譯!!!

Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded.

We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.

Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.

Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should be further ecated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our procts. We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.


F. 保護海洋 英語作文

The ocean and we are a whole, first of all, the ocean itself has great handling of pollutants, dilution, diffusion, oxidation, rection and degradation of purification ability. But the capacity is not unlimited, when toxic and harmful substances accepted by the local waters more than its own self-purification ability, it will cause pollution of the waters. In addition the ocean while contains many resources, but the regeneration of marine resources is the need of time, if the development of marine resources we uncontrolled and not pay attention to the protection of these resources, so there is always used in the light of day. So the protection of the marine is extremely important.

G. 關於海洋污染和如何保護的英語作文、

The simplest water pollution definition would be any contamination of water bodies with some pollutant(s) that changes physical, biological, and chemical conditions of any body of water making this water harmful for environment and surrounding ecosystems.

Water pollution occurs once too much pollutants (mostly in form of different waste) are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies. Water pollution does not only cause great environmental damage but is also the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases responsible for the deaths of more than 14,000 people each day, mostly in developing countries.

Many people are not aware that water pollution is serious problem in almost all parts of the world, and not just in third world countries like some choose to believe. In fact many experts will tell you that reality is completely different than the common belief, and that actually water pollution problem is already out of control.

Water pollution problem is in most cases connected with the careless handling of chemical agents, toxins introced into our water through instrial mping, and farm runoff. All these factors make our water unsafe to drink.

For instance, the chlorine that is widely used to disinfect our water is believed by many to be carcinogenic, and therefore a major health issue that significantly contributed to worldwide rise of cancer rates.

Basically chlorine is present in every glass of water we draw from our tap, and although some studies have confirmed that chlorine can indeed be one of the cancer risk factors we simply cannot do without it because by removing chlorine from our water we would open the door to many waterborne diseases that would kill millions of people around the globe.

So how to protect yourself from water pollution? The best option available to us is to install a multi-layered home water filtering system in your home. The best option is multi media block system that has an activated granular carbon filter, a sub micron filter, and an ion exchange. This system is capable to prevent up to 99.99% of all of the harmful contaminants present in our water from entering your home.

High quality home water filtering system is really your best ally against water pollution.


H. 廢水 翻譯成英語是什麼waste water還是polluted water

liquid waste
waste water
The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent.
Does the company maintain its own waste-water treatment plant?
How can they get rid of waste water in this way?

I. 關於垃圾污染的英語作文 急……

附2:張明的拼寫,應該是名字在前,姓在後: Ming Zhang

Dear Mayor,

I have found that the pollution in our city is more and more serious, endangering the health of all the city residents. The pollution is mostly caused by inefficient garbage sorting, treatment, and disposal. I thereby make the following recommendations. The city』s garbage can be sorted to recycle newspapers, glass, plastic, metals, and this will rece the size of the garbage landfill. Wastewater can be treated better to minimize impact on the river. Hazardous garbage must be buried in a safe and secure location. To make all these happen successfully, please make the city laws and start campaigns to increase public awareness. Thank you very much for your support, you can bring better health to all of us.

Yours sincerely,
Ming Zhang



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