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发布时间:2022-07-04 21:31:30

『壹』 拜求制药废水外文文献(已翻译),不胜感激!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


『贰』 哪位高手帮我翻译一段英文吧..谢谢拉~~能力有限,急用!!!


『叁』 跪求一篇关于 抗生素废水 的外文文献及其中文翻译,急用啊万分感谢 OA上没找到······



『肆』 制药废水 英文文献


我也不知道你要的是哪类的 我这里有文献,还有一个完整的英文文献,制药废水的附件
94110771 X yeast method antibiotic pharmaceutical wastewater treatment and recycling
01113914.5 a kind of pharmaceutical wastewater biological strengthening agent
03826465 X for complex chemical and pharmaceutical wastewater treatment using biological membrane configuration of continuous batch reactor
200410041125.5 the degradation effects of the synthesis of pharmaceutical wastewater treatment strains and building method
200410041126 X special strains of biological technology and methods of synthesis of pharmaceutical wastewater treatment
200410044138.8 from pharmaceutical waste recycling method of tetrahydrofuran
200410044139.2 from pharmaceutical waste recycling in ethanol and diisopropylamine
200510014045.5 of photocatalytic oxidation reaction, membrane separation of the antibiotic pharmaceutical instry wastewater treatment method
200510122775.7 a reproctive toxicity testing and evaluation method of pharmaceutical wastewater
200610003120.2 a catalyst for biological pharmaceutical wastewater treatment and preparation and application
200610027785.7 fast high temperature composite oxide pharmaceutical wastewater treatment method
200610076696.1 a mesoporous silica membrane and an antibiotic pharmaceutical wastewater purification processing method
200610106676.4 a kind of pharmaceutical wastewater treatment process
200810023333.0 a pharmaceutical chemical instry park of hybrid wastewater treatment
A/O process water treatment pharmaceutical proction wastewater treatment instry - 1, 2006
AADR - A/O process of cephalosporins chongqing pharmaceutical wastewater environmental science - 11, 2003
ABR EGSB combination SBR process, the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater environmental science and technology - 12, 2006
ABR - UBF - CASS process water supply inosine pharmaceutical wastewater drainage - 9, 2007
ABR reactor treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater is up and running water supply and drainage, China - 8, 2000
ABR - biological contact oxidation process treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater guangdong chemical - 7, 2008
CASS technology of pharmaceutical wastewater treatment in shaanxi construction phase 4-2006
The application of CASS process in treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater engineering water supply and drainage, China - 2007, 4
CNM bacterial biochemical method and treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater chemical instry environmental protection - 1, 2002
EM improved experimental study on the instrial water treatment pharmaceutical wastewater disposal - 1, 2005
EM to strengthen the contact oxidation method, the experimental study on hebei pharmaceutical wastewater treatment engineering college journal, 2004-4
Fe C layer added catalyst organic pollutants in waste water treatment pharmaceutical new method to study the chemical research and application of 1-1999
Fenton reagent treatment stomach will treat pharmaceutical wastewater instrial water and wastewater - 2008, 3
Fenton reagent - lime method of oxytetracycline wastewater treatment experiment of xingtai - 2003, 2
H2O2 - Fe ^ 2 + catalytic oxidation treatment pharmaceutical instrial organic wastewater preliminary research and application of science and technology, 1995-2)
HA - SBR method in the pharmaceutical wastewater, the application of environmental science and management, 2006-2)
The MBR process lisinopril enalaprilat pharmaceutical wastewater chemical engineer - 2007, 5
The MBR process of the vitamin C pharmaceutical wastewater treatment pilot experiment in environmental engineering - 2006 6
O3 / H2O2 pretreatment of refractory pharmaceutical wastewater treatment research of water resources protection - 1, 2004
O3 / H2O2 pretreatment of the experimental research of henan chemical pharmaceutical wastewater - 10, 2008
O3 / activated carbon pretreatment clindamycin experimental study of pharmaceutical wastewater of henan chemical - 11, 2008
Chongqing ORBAL oxidation ditch process synthesis pharmaceutical wastewater environmental science - 1, 1994
PAC - SBR method and treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater sludge domesticated the instrial safety and environmental protection - 9, 2005
PAC - SBR treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater activated sludge domestication experiment research of Shanghai environmental science - 2005, 3
Method to remove PACT vitamin B1 pharmaceutical wastewater experimental study of the organic matter in journal of tianjin institute of urban construction, 2006-2)
PDO - 1 type device application in the chemical and pharmaceutical waste water treatment of safety and environment, 2007-2)
PW membrane bioreactor, pharmaceutical fermentation wastewater treatment instrial water and wastewater, 2001-5)
SBR, PAC - SBR reactor comparative study on the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater and environmental pollution prevention and control, 2004-2)
SBR, PAC - SBR treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater sludge characteristics of minerals and geological - 2005, 5
SBR method ejiao pharmaceutical wastewater treatment instry water treatment - 2004, 3

『伍』 求3000籽制药废水外文文献和中文翻译~谢谢!!!!!


『陆』 药科论文段落翻译

Abstract: Analysis of the water quality of pharmaceutical waste water features, introced in recent years pharmaceutical waste water treatment process at home and abroad are often used in various physical and chemical, chemical, biological and other combinations of treatment methods, reviewed the characteristics of various approaches And the existing problems, and discussed the process of selection of resources and pharmaceutical waste water recycling, and other issues.
Keywords: pharmaceutical wastewater treatment; progress in recycling
Pharmaceutical major instrial wastewater, including synthetic drugs proction of waste water, waste water proction of antibiotics, wastewater and a variety of proprietary Chinese medicine formulations of the proction process of water washing four categories. Its characteristics are: complex, high content of organic matter, toxicity, deep color and high salt content, especially of the poor biochemical, and the intermittent emissions of instrial waste water is refractory. As China's development and growth of the pharmaceutical instry, pharmaceutical waste water has graally become one of the major sources of pollution, how to handle such waste water is the environmental aspects of a problem.

『柒』 求英语高手帮忙翻译(万分感谢)

随着医药工业的发展,制药废水已经成为严重的污染源,而中成药生产废水便是其中之一。Along with the development of the pharmaceutical instry, pharmaceutical wastewater has become a serious source of pollution, and the proprietary Chinese medicine proction wastewater is one of them. 此类废水主要来自原料的洗涤水、原药煎汁和冲洗水,COD数千mg/L,可生化性尚佳。Wastewater from the main raw materials of washing water, juice and the original drug irrigation water, thousands of COD L biodegradability is relatively good. 但是中成药废水水质水量波动较大,是处理难度较大的工业废水之一。However, the quality and quantity of wastewater proprietary Chinese medicine fluctuations, and is very difficult to treat instrial wastewater. 根据中成药废水有机污染物浓度高、废水的可生化性较强、色度比较高、多为间歇排放、污水成分复杂等特点,在资料分析的基础上,采用UASB+生物接触氧化工艺处理工艺,以达到对中成药废水生物处理的目的。According to proprietary Chinese medicine wastewater high concentrations of organic pollutants, the biodegradability of a stronger, more color, more for intermittent emissions, Sewage complex features of the data analysis on the basis of using UASB + biological oxidation process technology, in order to achieve its traditional wastewater biological treatment purposes. 经过上述处理工艺的处理,拟使废水的COD由3000mg/l降到150mg/l;BOD由1800mg/l降至30mg/l;SS由700mg/l降至150mg/l,出水达到中华人民共和国《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)中二级标准。After such processing technology, which will allow the wastewater COD dropped by molucular 150mg/l; BOD by 1800mg/l to 30mg/l; SS from 700mg/l to 150mg/l, Water reached the People's Republic of China "effluent discharge standards" (GB8978-1996), two standards.

关键词 中成药厂 废水 生物处理Keywords proprietary Chinese medicines, biological treatment of wastewater plant

『捌』 哪位高手帮我翻译一下英文吧~我水平有限!!谢谢啊!!感激......

100毫升样品被引入了250毫升的烧杯,在室温下(25c). pH的样品 调整了添加硫酸acid.20g/l硫酸亚铁•7h20和3%h202然后再加标本及 混合搅拌和左处于停顿8.91%. 经过沉淀,supenratant被撤回,COD和色度分析.

实验(这里没有介绍)进行的制药工业废水的优选混凝剂(a12(so4)3聚合氯化铝(PAC) FeCl3和polyferrie硫酸(加油站))显示a12(SO4)3的表现不错的Far.thus, 凝血过程是用硫酸铝(A12号(so4)3)作为混凝剂, 在预先确定的最佳浓度和pH值为800毫克/升和5,再spectively.

之后芬顿反应 混凝剂(a12(so4)3)增加了样品的快速混合,在300r/分钟,0.5分钟, 其次是缓慢的搅拌在50r/分钟,10分钟. 30分钟后,沉淀,上清撤回COD和颜色分析


作为内部标准. 10%氢氧化钠用来调整pH值(pH值大于1). 基本内容的样本,然后抽取3倍 50毫升
dichloromethane.The 酸碱度残余的酒w 依照对酸碱度o f 2 u 被调整唱6 mol/L H 2SO4, 酸性内容被提取如上所述的d 。二提取的酒被带来了和被烘干了为大约24 h 被无水sulfate 钠, 和最后被蒸发了对1.0ml 在K-D (Kudema 丹麦蒸发器) 。残余的酒的1.0?1 被撤出了为GC-MS 分析。

finnigan张锦堂被用来作为分析工具,以气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)分析, 与db-5石英毛细管柱(30m×0.25毫米,0.25米). 柱温programmed从50℃(2分钟)到300℃(10min),以升温速度10)c /分钟,输送天然气他是1.0毫升/分钟,分裂比例为20:1. 源温度在200`c,电离能量70ev(电子伏). 解释由此图谱及质谱分析用的NIST(国家标准和技术研究所)图书馆.

『玖』 请翻译达人帮我把下面的话翻译成英文~谢谢

Pharmaceutical waste water is a typical instrial organic wastewater, as the pharmaceutical instry in the proction of different types of drugs and different proction process, the wastewater generated by the quality and quantity are very different. But also because of the short proct replacement cycle, with the replacement of procts, waste water quality and quantity often volatile, extremely unstable, is the water treatment problem. Henan Fussen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Henan Province is the proction of large-scale pharmaceutical enterprises in one of the proction process will generate a lot of organic wastewater, environmental pollution, there is a need to build sewage treatment plant to process.
The work that is the main task of the sewage treatment station of the building to conct an environmental impact assessment. The main work of building projects in environmental quality of monitoring and analysis, project construction plan selection, construction period operating period of environmental impact prediction and prevention measures developed for public participation, development of environmental management and environmental monitoring programme. In the sewage treatment process than the election of the main comparative analysis of improved oxidation ditch law and A2 / O method.
Because the sewage treatment station itself is nonprofit environmental protection projects, after completion of effective waste water treatment manufacturers, as long as the construction unit strict evaluation of the implementation of this programme of works and pollution control measures, the sewage station can be completed and put into proction.



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